Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How Long Should Your College Application Essay Be
The 2019-20 version of the Common Application has an essay length limit of 650 words. Even though the personal essay prompts change regularly, the maximum word count tends to stay the same. This length resulted from many colleges feeling that the 500 word limit of 2011-2013 was a little too short. Keep in mind that even colleges who dont use the Common Application have clearly defined length limits for essays. Learn how important this word limit is and how to make the most of your 650 words. How Strict Is the Limit? Many wonder whether they can go over the limit, even if only by a few words. What if you feel that you need more space to communicate all of your ideas clearly? 650 words is not a lot of space in which to convey your personality, passions, and writing ability to the people in admissions officesâ€â€and the title and any explanatory notes are also included in this limit. The holistic admissions processes of most schools prove that colleges really do want to get to know the person behind your test scores and grades. Since the essay is one of the best places for showcasing who you are, is it worth it to go over? Most experts recommend adhering to the limit. The Common Application will even prompt its applicants if they exceed the word count to prevent them from going over. Most admissions officers have stated that, while they will read all essays in their entirety, they are less inclined to feel that essays over 650 accomplish what they set out to do. In short: any of the prompts can and should be answered in 650 words or fewer. Choosing the Right Length If everything from 250 to 650 words is fair game, what length is best? Some counselors advise students to keep their essays on the shorter end but not all colleges place the most value in succinctness. The personal essay is the most powerful tool at your disposal for showing readers your personality without meeting them. If youve chosen a focus that reveals something meaningful about you, youre probably going to need more than 250 words to provide the makings of an effective essay. However, it isnt essential to hit the 650 mark, either. From the Admissions Desk There is no need to meet the full word count [650] if the essay captures what the student would like to share. Visually, you want to make sure the essay looks complete and robust. As a general rule, I would suggest the essay be between 500-650 words.–Valerie Marchand WelshDirector of College Counseling, The Baldwin SchoolFormer Associate Dean of Admissions, University of Pennsylvania The level of detail should make the decision of length for you. Some of the Common App essay prompts require much more detail and illustration than the others, such as option 1 about your identity, while others, such as option 6 about losing track of time, require you to answer multiple separate questions and be as concise as possible for each. In general, the length of an essay does not determine its effectiveness. If you have answered the prompt in its entirety and feel proud of your work, there is no need to stress about any particular word count. Do not pad your essay with filler content and tautologies to stretch it out or leave important sections out in the interest of keeping it brief. Why You Shouldnt Go Over the Essay Length Limit Some colleges will allow you to exceed the limit set by the Common Application, but you should avoid writing more than 650 words in all cases for the following reasons: College students adhere to guidelines: If a professor assigns a five-page paper, they dont want a 10-page paper and you dont have 55 minutes to take 50-minute exams. The message that you send to a college when you write a powerful essay in 650 words or fewer, even when they accept longer submissions, is that you can succeed under any conditions.Essays that are too long can leave a negative impression: Essays over 650 may make you appear over-confident. The word counts have been established by experts for a reason and writing more than you are allowed might make it seem like you think what you have to say is more important than other applicants, who have to follow the rules. Avoid seeming self-important by stopping yourself from going overboard.Good writers know how to edit and cut: Any college writing professor would tell you that most essays become stronger when they are trimmed. There are almost always words, sentences, and even entire paragraphs that dont contribute to an essay an d can be omitted. As you revise any essay you write, ask yourself which parts help you to make your point and which get in the wayâ€â€everything else can go. Use these 9 style tips to tighten up your language. College admissions officers will read essays that are too long but may consider them to be rambling, unfocused, or poorly-edited. Remember that your essay is one of many and your readers will wonder why yours is longer when it doesnt need to be.
Monday, December 23, 2019
How Common The Battering Of Men Who Had Sex With Other Men...
Research Questions/Findings/Conclusions Article #1 focused on how common the battering of men who had sex with other men (MSM) was and it’s characteristics. Furthermore, it identified and studied three types of battering, â€Å"Psychological/Symbolic Battering which was defined as having experienced at least 1 of the following: being verbally threatened, demeaned in front of others, ridiculed for his appearance, forced to get high or drunk, or stalked; or having property destroyed or damaged, Physical Battering which was defined as being hit with fists or an open hand, hit with an object, pushed or shoved, or kicked; or having something thrown at him, and Sexual Battering which was defined as having been forced to have sex†(Paragraph 8). Most of the characteristics found in MSM were the same as those found in a heterosexual household of battered women. In detail, the â€Å"risk profile†characteristics shared are low income, unemployment, heavy substance abuse, long histories of violence in the family, and childhood sexual abuse. Furthermore, one of the things that I found interesting within this study was that the more education MSM’s had, the less likely they were to encounter any form of battering. The article also pointed out that like women, those whom had HIV were more likely to be abused and battered. According to the article, â€Å"Prevalence estimates were 34% for psychological/symbolic battering, 22% for physical battering, and 5% for sexual battering†(Research and Practice).Show MoreRelatedDomestic Violence And Its Effects On People1708 Words  | 7 Pagesintimidation, isolation, stalking, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and taking control over another partner in a relationship (Und erstanding abuse). This happens every day to thousands of people all over the world. It’s a serious issue and people don t realize how serious it is. It’s killing people, ruining families, and leaving a lasting impact on people. Each year, 2 million people are injured and 1,300 people die (Domestic violence facts). Domestic violence is an issue that is more hidden than one thinks andRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Is Not Only Physical And Sexual Essay1315 Words  | 6 Pagesa path of psychological abuse. Women of all backgrounds including; race, age, religion, ethnicity, and class can be victims of domestic violence. Even though domestic violence is looked down upon in societies, it can be a difficult crime to punish. Men typically have the upper hand in a society; although, women have started to make their voices heard by standing up to their abusers and becoming more of a force in government policy making. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, â€Å"OnRead More`` Riding The Bull At Gilleys `` And The Socio Cultural Models Of Rape1685 Words  | 7 Pagespsychologists do not seek any other rational explanation. Mainly, the psychopathological model ignores any correlational factors linking male sexual aggression to learned social behavior. The socio-cultural model views the social or environmental context of rape as an explanation of aggressive behavior. The socio-cultural view of rape is a result of a patriarchal system that is characterized by an ideology of male authority and different attitudes and behaviors from men and women. The United StatesRead MoreMEDIA VIOLENCE Essay1374 Words  | 6 Pagesdemonstrating who can get away with what against whom factual and fictional representations of violence or terror can intimidate people, provoke resistance, aggression, or repression, and cultivate a sense of relative strength and vulnerability as they portray the social â€Å"peaking order†(Berger 136). As a viewer, we are bombarded with different representations of violence against humanity and animals. 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To answer these questions, Hegarty et al. said that it is important to choose the appropriate definition that is most relevant to the purpose of the studies. Dutton (2006) defined domestic violence in his book Rethinking Domestic Violence as â€Å"any violence occurring between intimate partners (same sex or other sex, married or unmarried) and against children†(p. 3), but further saidRead MoreEssay Gender Stereotypes in Culture1756 Words  | 8 Pagesobjectification, and media portrayals of women and how these lead to violence against women. Gender is the psychological characteristics and social categories that are created by human culture. Doing gender is the concept that humans express their gender when they interact with one another; it is done every day without thinking about it. Messages about how a male or female is supposed to act come from countless places. According to Helen M. 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It often includes physical sexual, emotional, or economic abuse.†When defining the parties involved in domestic violence disputes, a batterer and/or victim can be maleRead MoreProstitution Is The Oldest Human Records That Presents With Many Discrepancies, And Despair1169 Words  | 5 Pages The history of prostitution is one that presents with many discrepancies, and despair. However, as Christians, we know the bible speaks of prostitution and even mentions the story of Rahab a prostitute who wa s guilty of sexual sin. Deuteronomy 23:17-18 states, â€Å"None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, and none of the sons of Israel shall be a cult prostitute. You shall not bring the fee of a prostitute or the wages of a dog into the house of the Lord your God in payment
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Mariveles National Highschool Malaya’s 2013 Education Week Free Essays
Mariveles National Highschool Malaya celebrated its 2013 Education Week last December 16-18. It is a whole week activity and celebration that aims to enhance and emphasize the role of education in empowering and developing the skills of the students by showcasing their outputs and projects through Bazaars and Exhibit. The school created a small booth to be able to show the different beautiful and pretty dress that was made by the students in dressmaking. We will write a custom essay sample on Mariveles National Highschool Malaya’s 2013 Education Week or any similar topic only for you Order Now Seminars and workshops were conducted to strengthen the cooperation among stakeholders in education to provide high quality of education. Team building for teachers and students is another activity which inspires educators to do more for children and ensure their future. Academic and Co-curricular contest were also established to enhance student’s knowledge while still enjoying and having fun with co-students. The school also facilitates Tree Planting and Tree Growing as part of the aim of school is to produce youth that are responsible and have love for the environment. Disaster Risk Reduction and Related Life skills preparedness is another seminar that was conducted that gives the students as well as teachers an awareness for the preventive measures and behaviors during and after disaster. As the last part of the week celebration, the students and teacher were able to run for education through helping the Typhoon Yolanda victims by raising funds through â€Å"PISO mo Tabang mo†a Piso sign for a cause. And to celebrate also the spirit of Christmas, the school facilitates the Pasko na Gift Giving were the beneficiaries are from poor community and orphanages. The school aims for the celebration of education week benefits not the just the school but also the students, teachers, community and environment and beneficiaries of the fund raising project where Education week is not just pure education but also interrelate to the spirit of Christmas which is gift giving. How to cite Mariveles National Highschool Malaya’s 2013 Education Week, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Australian Health Care System
Question: Discuss about the Australian Health Care System. Answer: Competency Element 3.3 The competency standard of nursing is set for the general practice of the nursing in the health care centers of Australia. The element 3.3 of the competency is intended to help the nurse during the time of uncertain conditions. It is the duty of all the registered nurse to deal with all the issues related to treatment provided to patients. They also have to negotiate the terms related to the practice that is provided to each person. In many cases, the patient may not agree to seek the interventions that are prescribed by the nurse. It is the duty of the nurse to ensure that the patients get the proper and best form of treatment, which is essential for individual care. This competency elements can be applied all the individual and groups to provide treatment for all forms of chronic disuse like diabetes and obesity. This competency element is implemented in relevant to the legislation of nursing. The registered nurse uses the guidelines of the elements to ensure that the healthcare rights of every individual are protected. It is also the responsibility of the nurse to ensure that the guidelines of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council are being followed properly (Nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au, 2016). Description of the Issue: Diabetes mellitus The diabetes mellitus is one of the most widely occurring chronic diseases, which is caused high level of blood sugar over a longer period of time. This disease is caused due to disturbance in the metabolic activity of the body. There are certain definite guidelines set by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council to deal with the all the major issues related to the treatment of diabetes. The treatment of the diabetes requires insulin administration. There are many issues related to the treatment that is provided to the diabetic patients. According to the guidelines of the competency elements it is the duty of the nurse to seek permission from the patients before providing treatment. The nurse also has to negotiate the terms before providing treatment to the patients and also make them realize the importance of the treatment. Outline of Problems faced by Diabetes patients Impact of the Community in the healthcare system Strategies to promote Prevention of Diabetes Reference Nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au. (2016). Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Home. [online] Available at: https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016].
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